Bob Slater, President/CEO/Founder

Bob is a registered engineer with more than 30 years experience in technology, with specialization over the last 15 years in online advertising, email marketing, and website design and development. Prior to his founding of eNovations Marketing Group, Inc. in 2003, Bob held executive-level positions with Advanstar Communications, AcquireWeb, Inc., Ullo International, and Clark & Slater Associates, Inc.

Bob was also the founder and CEO of Slater Publications and Expositions Inc., publishers of THE BIG BOOK construction directory, Construction Products Review magazine, and owner-producer of THE BIG SHOW, a series of construction expos produced in 10 major U.S. cities for over a decade.

Bob holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University, where he was a faculty member for five years. He is a past senior member of the National Society of Professional Engineers and the American Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Email Marketing

Email Lists + Data

Lead Generation

Web Design + Development